On New Year's Eve 2005, the Colony brings you a

Festivities will commence at 9pm EST and run until dawn. We'll have sparkling wine on hand for midnight as well as some beer, some soda, and some munchies throughout the evening; if you can, please bring something you'd like to share or a few dollars for the donation jar. Laws of associative coolness apply and new guests will be the responsibility of their contact person.
In the spirit of this theme (or lack thereof), we're encouraging people to dress in "generic" attire, the simplest application of which would be just black and/or white. (Theme appropriate attire is appreciated but absolutely not required. I doubt I'll even have prizes for clever outfits, other than admiration.)
Guests coming in from out of town should contact Mao ASAP if they do not having boarding arrangements already figured out. Space at the Colony is limited, but we should be able to arrange alternate lodgings for people if/when we run out of room.
Directions to the Colony are available here.
Queries can be directed to Mao or 412.481.4311.

Updated: 12.20.2004