where y != 1|0|infinity
X is the self, Y is input to the system. The self is the self as modified by its environment. f(x)=f(f(x)). Or more accurately, since the self is not a constant variable but a system, perhaps this should be written as:
Sentience is a system which includes itself as a variable. Thus, the system is unresolvable. It is recursive, infinitely. As long as there is a value of Y, the system can continue to function, though it may fall into loops. This should not happen, as Y is also not a constant, but a continually varied stream of input. So, each iteration is different from the last. y!=y
When Y is one of the three stable settings, X is a constant. With any other value, X is constantly in a state of flux. X is defined by itself as modified by its input. Y changes X, which in turn is modified again by Y etc. The equation is not balanced, a value for X cannot be found. Thus, the serpent swallows its tail, and the cycle of sentience continues to spin.
There are three settings of Y which cause this equation to be resolved.
If Y=Y, then Y is not a constantly changing source, but a constant. If Y is a constant, the equation can be resolved as y=x/x or, y=1. There is only one constant when seen from the perspective of the sentient self: truth. If the data is consistent, it is true. If it is true, the system needs no longer process it, and may come to rest. y=1, boolian true. If y=1, then x=1x=x. The self in terms of truth is true.
Similarly, at y=0, x=0. If the data is proven false, the self ceases to function in terms of it. For if the data is false, the self which depends upon it is false as well.
At y=infinity, X = infinity as well. With the inclusion and awareness of all data, the self becomes all things. Trancendenal states of Godhood are reached. God is in this sense, infinity, all data, all knowledge, all things. When the self grasps this, it becomes it.
The self can resolve to one of these three states as a rest point, as a determination of truth. It can find that the data in question is true, and realize that it itself is true. Thus, the self becomes aware of the self as a singularity. The enlightenment of self awareness, of living in the moment becomes possible. With a constant and true data set, the self is allowed to see the self. The self exists in a perfect state of balance with itself, and ceases to process the input for it is already true. x=1x=x. I am.
When the self resolves to 0, it understands that nothing is true. There is no truth. There is no self. There is only nothingness. Nothing matters, nothing really is. A state of perfect Zen is reached, of void. If y=0, there is nothing. The world is void, and does not exist. This given, x=0x, x=0. I am not. If the world is untrue, so am I. If the world does not exist, neither do I.
It is often thought that 0 and infinity are realy the same. In a sense, they are. From our mathmatical perspective, they are treated much the same. They are the endpoints of the graph, unmeasurable constants. The relation is this: 1/0=infinity. When the self is negated completely, infinity is reached. Mathmatical proof of eastern enlightenment. In nothingness is infiinity. In the negation of the self, all things are realized. In not being, infinite bliss.
So then, when y=infinity, x=infinity. If the infinite is grasped, the self becomes the infinite. If all things can be known, can be experienced, the self will become all things and thus reach a point of stability as well. This might also be seen as a state of overload. If the input is so fast so as to be unmeasurable, and thus appear as infinite, then the self will stabalize as infinite. It will appear to itself to be infinite, and stop processing. The gnostic ecstatic state is reached. Overloading the input causes the self to reach infinity for a time, to be a singularity and cease all processing. This is the technique used in sigle casting magicks, as well as in traditional esctatic rites such as dancing until you drop and have a vision.