In a world that doesn't make sense, with so many things to believe in,
what can we really know as truth? What can we really depend on? Below, I
have laid out the 3 most primal and basic foundations of belief. This is
as low as I could boil it down to. If you know nothing else, you can know
these. Upon these, you can build yourself, your outlook, your religion.
But first, these must be known. Only these can be trusted, or at
least cannot be ignored.
These are the foundations of what I believe in. These can be accepted as
truths that cannot be questioned. If nothing else, I can
fall back to these, and remain sane through the most troubling trials of
spirit. These are powerfull and primal basis upon which everything else
can rest, regardless of view. Each can stand independently, and
together they make for everything else.
But of course, there is more. One must build something on top of a
foundation. A system is developing where by one can construct a system of
belief. I willexpand this as I write it, starting first by describing my
own beliefs with it. Firstly, a tool necessary to build with:
Ability established, we can next make assumptions. Each assumption is a
basic one upon which further belief is based. These are what is built upon
the foundations.
- Assumption: Divinity exists - there is more than man
- Assumption: There is ultimately a reason for our existence
- Belief: God is the world itself, all of reality at once
- Conclusion: Man is a part of God
- Religion
- Man should strive to live well / not seek or cause suffering
- Man should strive to improve the world and himself /
not set back progress
- Man should create works of beauty / not destroy them
- Man should enjoy life as much as possible / not
prevent others from doing the same
Applying the same technique to Christianity:
- Assumption: Jesus rose from the dead
- Belief: Jesus did so through the power of God (external)
- Conclusion: Jesus was the physical son of God (classic
- Conclusion: Jesus was an Angel (Jehova Witness, Mormon)
- Conclusion: Jesus was a prophet empowered by God (Islam, Jew)
- Belief: Jesus did so through his own power (internal)
- Conclusion: Jesus was a magician
- Conclusion: Jesus was enlightened
- Conclusion: Jesus was a space alien
- Conclusion: Jesus was a scientist
- Belief: His teachings were wise
- Conclusion: They are very important
- Religion: We must preserve them
- Conclusion: They are perfect truth
- Religion: We must make everyone know them!
- Religion: Stamp out anything that challenges them!
- Conclusion: We must interpret their wisdom for the modern day