$ cat Webmaster [Enter]

A. Bleys Ingram: Online portfolio for 2002
Aspects.org: In the process of being updated
blackeyedangel.org: Under construction

$ cat PreferredServices [Enter]

SkyMagik Internet Services: Awesome web hosting services - they give me shell because I'm special
Infobahn International: My dialup access
Telerama Public Access Internet: Lots of good people there
pair networks: Good people there, too, and home of aspects.org

$ cat Links [Enter]

Web Tools

- ZoneLabs
- GeekTools.com
- Visibone
- Visual Route
- Infobear's NSLOOKUP Web Interface
- Visual Periodic Table of the Elements
- Digital Biology
- Plumb Design Visual Thesaurus
- Encyberpedia
- Bibliofind
- TOM Server: Document Conversion
- Babelfish
- PA Driver/Vehicle Services
- 3D JTrack


- Mindpixel
- Golan Levin
- New Home of the Surrealist Compliment Generator
- Nuclear Blast Mapper
- SETI@Home
- IQ Test
- thespark.com
- Emode
- Keirsey
- Chinese-English Online Dictionary - Sushi Fortune Telling
- Evil Plan Generator

Name Gen

- Get a Chinese Name
- An Onomastikon
- Glam Name Gen
- Fantasy Name Gen
- Hobbit Name Gen
- What's My Pirate Name?
- Dogs Balearics DJ Name Remixer


- HeroMachine
- White Wolf Online
- Alderac Entertainment Group
- Knights of the Dinner Table
- Atlas Games


- The Aspects
- PGH-goth-list
- Geek Girls Coalition
- Learn UNIX
- #pghgoth
- The Resort


- Tera Term Pro
- Tom's Hardware
- FreeBSD.org
- pricewatch.com
- Lowerbound
- The End of the Internet
- Internet Mapping Project
- Unix Guru Universe
- VivĂ­simo search
- Google 534R(H
- Cannot find intelligence


- The Drudge Report
- The Register
- Financial Times
- NY Times
- Washington Post

Interesting Links

- Webtender
- Cocktail Collection
- This American Life
- memepool.com
- Word of the Day
- Internet Crime Archives
- SLanguage
- AFU and Urban Legends Archive
- rotten.com


- Simple Minds, Smart Choices: From Science News Online 05.29.1999
- How to Succeed in Art: From NYTimes online 06.27.1999
- Interview with the Search Engine: From SatireWire (no date given)
- MS Tech Support vs. Psychic Friends Network: From BMUG newsletter w/o permission

Comic Strips

- ?
- Bob the Angry Flower
- Flem
- General Protection Fault
- goats
- Kevin and Kell
- Megatokyo
- Penny Arcade
- Player Vs. Player
- Red Meat
- SinFest
- Sluggy Freelance
- Something Positive
- Space Moose
- User Friendly

E-zines & Misc.

- Forum 3000
- Van der Beek 3000
- The Brunching Shuttlecocks
- DailyDose
- The Onion
- Suck.
- Something Awful
- The Straight Dope
- MC Hawking
- Homie G
- BOfH
- Dumbentia
- Jamming Scissors into Your Crotch Repeatedly FAQ
- Computer Stupidities
- Temple ov thee Lemur
- Cell Ring Tones
- Peep Research
- McPhee


- Weebl and Bob
- Hoody Hoo!
- Newgrounds
- Hecklers.com
- MediaTrip.com
- GlobZ
- Pimp Builder
- PopCap
- Bilbana
- Hypnotic Waffles
- Zombo.com
- pika
- "Video Computer System"